ONLY four out of every 10 children between the ages of nine to 12 in the City of Baguio are capable of reading and writing in English, according to a survey of the Department of Education (DepEd).
Baguio Schools Division Superintendent Federico Martin revealed that in the survey conducted by the DepEd, only four out of 10 children from Grade 4 to 7 could read and write properly in English, with similar numbers found amongst Grade 3 children.
Martin’s report also showed that eight out of every 100 students in 2021 could not make it to the milestones of completing Grade 6 and Grade 10 for junior high school students.
The report however did not show the sampling size in relation to the total student size of the surveyed grade levels.
According to Baguio Mayor Benjamin Magalong, the poor educational performance among Baguio children can be attributed to poverty and lack of access to tools required for blended learning methods, emphasizing that immediate action is required so that the children would not be hampered by poor literacy further down the line as they grow up.
However, while the city’s children performed poorly in English literacy, figures showed that they were still better than the national average, where only one out of 10 children in the same age ranges were properly English-literate.