WHILE browsing Facebook the other day I came upon a short video posted on social media which attempted to argue that vaccines and being inoculated are simply a waste of time and a useless effort in the war against the COVID-19 virus.
The video came up with several premises that while based on real-life situations is actually propaganda to mislead the people into a false sense of security against the COVID-19 virus and without the need for vaccination.
Let’s take a look at some of these suppositions in the video and establish the truth and untruth of the matter. The first supposition is, “If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask?” NO says the video….The reality on the ground tells us that no you cannot stop wearing a mask even if you are vaccinated. Why? Well according to the experts being fully vaccinated does not translate into being 100 percent immune against infection from the virus. Think of going to war where you are made to wear a steel helmet and full body armor. Do the bulletproof vest and steel helmet guarantee 100 percent that you will not get hit and injured by a bullet or shrapnel from a bomb coming at you?
In other words, the vaccine, just like the bullet-resistant vest and steel helmet, grants a measure of protection against infection by the virus but does not make you totally immune to it. That is why just like going to war, even with all the armor that you carry you still need to be very careful on the battlefield lest the enemy will snipe you in your vulnerable spot or ambush you from behind. So even if vaccinated you still need to wear a mask for added protection.
The next weird supposition is, “If I get vaccinated, will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen, and will people be able to get back to work like normal?” NO says the video… Of course! Hasn’t the creator of that video been listening intently to what is being said by the experts? The COVID-19 virus has mutated and is still mutating, adapting to its environment and host such that any normality that we hope to return to in the future will be beyond what we will expect or anticipate.
Again, just like in a war, the enemy -the COVID-19 virus- keeps on changing and adapting its tactics and strategy to suit the situation, and the vaccine is there as a shield to protect an individual from being killed outright. Even if we achieve the so-called herd immunity because of vaccination, it is no guarantee that everyone is absolutely safe considering that the virus is still around.
So precautionary measures will still have to be imposed under the new normal way of life. And by the way, businesses will eventually open and people will most certainly go back to work.
Finally, another supposition from the video states, “If I get vaccinated will I be resistant to COVID?”, the video answered “probably not”, and we agree that there is no absolute guarantee that you will be 100 percent bulletproof against the virus. But as already revealed by medical experts the vaccines only afford a measure of protection in the same way as wearing masks, face shields, washing of hands, and disinfecting places. These measures are all preventive in nature and are being implemented simply to ward off in some capacity the propensity of the virus to infect individuals.
So which would you rather believe, a video that claims vaccines have no protective benefit whatsoever against the virus or getting jabbed with a vaccine to offer you some form of protection against the COVID-19 virus. You decide.