THE Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) handling Mt. Pulag has reopened the tourist spot to guests from outside of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR).
Priority for entry is to be given to tourists who have pending, unpaid reservations from prior to the pandemic.
The site is accessible on both weekdays and weekends, with PAMO saying that entrance and user fees are doubled during holidays and weekends in line with a PAMO decision made in 2021.
Registration for entry for trekkers requires both a vaccination card and a medical certificate showing that the trekker in question is physically fit enough to climb the mountain.
Trekkers are advised to start the climb at around 1:30 in the morning, the earliest possible time for climbing as the PAMO does not allow midnight hikes in the area.
Reservations for trips to the mountain can be made through direct calls or online contact with the PAMO on weekdays during office hours.