Claim: Jillian Robredo cursed at heckler on social media
Rating: FALSE
This post, shared with us through our tipline, claims that Jillian Robredo deserves to be shouted at because she cursed her heckler over social media.
However, looking through the accounts in the image (, it shows that the tweets in the image do not exist.
The account @patsskiiie, which Jillian Robredo allegedly replied to, does not exist. There is an @patsskie and an @PatskieRico, but the account in the image does not exist.
Looking at the other account mentioned, @patsabido (, shows that the Twitter feed of the person is just automated tweets tracking followers, and none of the tweet in question.
Searching for the tweet text also does not turn up any tweets by Jillian Robredo.
Given that the tweets and accounts in question do not exist, we rate this post shared with us as False.