AN ordinance passed at the end of November is now set to take effect and provide business tax cuts to Baguio businesses that offer online payment options to their clients.
Under the ordinance, businesses with online payment options are eligible for a 2.5 percent tax cut on their business taxes.
“Ordinance 71-2022 includes all public market vendors, all stores and business establishments, including, but not limited to sari-sari stores, ambulant vendors and hawkers and all public transport groups,” Vice Mayor Faustino Olowan said.
Olowan likewise called on local public transport to also provide cashless payment in accordance with the national initiative for cashless payments.
The ordinance applies to businesses that provide QR-PH, in support of the national government’s Paleng-QR initiative that seeks the provision of cashless payment options.
The ordinance also imposes confidentiality in the transactions as provided for by Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy Act.
The Paleng-QR had its pilot launch in the city last Aug. 14, 2022, where the FSPs rendered onboarding services to interested vendors and merchants at the city market.