ADDITIONAL restrictions have been put in place in the city of Baguio to address the growing incidence of COVID-19 and the presence of the highly infectious Delta variant in the city.
Starting on Friday, and continuing until September 19, Baguio will be implementing stricter measures at its various borders.
Under Executive Order 106, Series of 2021, the city will be turning away all non-authorized persons out of residence (APORs) at the border.
Non-residents travelling for leisure or other non-essential purposes, regardless of quarantine status of their point of origin, will be turned away at the borders by checkpoint personnel.
At the same time, the order provides for additional mobility restrictions on individuals under the age of 17 in the city.
Said individuals can only go out of their residences for essential purposes such as medical appointments and emergencies, or specific recreational activities in parks, playgrounds, biking and hiking trails, outdoor tourist sites and attractions, outdoor non-contact sports venues, and al-fresco dining.
Other than for these exceptions, said individuals cannot leave their residences while the order is in effect.
The order also provides for an extension of a previous liquor ban in the city.
Under the order, sale, distribution and provision of alcoholic products are prohibited from eight o’clock in the evening up to noon of the following day.